Category: About us

Promoter – Vaslui County School Inspectorate

The Vaslui County School Inspectorate is a local public authority, representing the Ministry of National Education and Scientific Research in the territory. It was established in 1968, according to the Law of People’s Councils no. 57/1968, art. 51-52. Currently, the institution operates based on the National Education Law no.1 / 2011, the Regulation of Organization and Functioning of school inspectorates approved by order of the Ministry of Education no.5530 / 2011.
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Partner – Galați County School Inspectorate

Galati County School Inspectorate is a public service institution, which applies the policies of the Ministry of Education from Romania, monitoring the pre- university school educational policies.
The school inspectorate has juridical entity and is an authorised officer, its whole activity relying on Law 1/2011 with all the following alterations, additions. decisions and ordinances of the Romanian Govern, all the normatives ensuing from the previously mentioned laws of the Ministry of Education.
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Pilot school – Secondary School no. 16, Galați

The path to knowledge, civilization and from here to well-being passes imperturbably and invariably through school, where generations and generations of children and young people must cultivate and form their mind and soul, becoming their own national entity that is the country itself. With this in mind, we set off in any activity we undertake. On August 17th, 1899, a kind lady, Sylvia Schmierer, who was the president of the Israelite ladies from Galati, asked the Ministry of Cultures and Public Instructions to open a private girls’ school with 180 students in Galati. This is how our school is born.
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Pilot school – Primary & Middle School no. 1, Ungureni

Primary & Middle School No.1 village Ungureni, is located in Munteni commune, Galati county and carries out its activity in a rural area, having the advantage of being close to Tecuci town.

Our school is over 100 years old, at the beginning having just 2 classrooms, a teacher’s and a corridor. Over the years extension (1983-1988) and renovation (2021-2011) of the building were made.
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