Founded in 1972, out of the need to properly prepare the growing school population as a result of the emergence of a new neighborhood (Aleea Parc-Grădina Publică area), but also to decongest the multitude of classes of students from Schools 3, 8 and the former High School no. 3.

Today, the school has 15 primary classes (364 students) and 12 middle school classes (324 students) and has a highly qualified teaching staff (50 teachers). Out of the 688 students, 24 have a school orientation certificate (CES), 6 socio-economically disadvantaged, 14 other disadvantaged groups have neither declared nor undeclared CES. The quality of education at the “Manolache Costache Epureanu” Secondary School – Bârlad, is based, first of all, on the activity of highly professional teachers, with pedagogical vocation. Harmoniously correlating the concern for the quality of education, education and research with the one related to the establishment of a framework conducive to the educational process, the “Manolache Costache Epureanu” Secondary School managed to develop a material base able to ensure optimal conditions for the educational process. and the ordinary life of the students. We have our own educational space that rises to European standards.

During this period, several educational projects and multilateral projects were organized and carried out in the school: COMENIUS school project within the SOCRATES 2 PROGRAM – NETTALES 2003-2007, LLP – COMENIUS: “Movement and water – the balance of healthy living” ( 2011-2013); The Comenius project “The book – the best friend” developed in 2013-2015, the career guidance project FROM SMALL TO LARGE TO THE ENTREPRENEURIAL ENVIRONMENT, is an associated partner in the “Erasmus / KA2 Project Strategic partnerships between regions, entitled and Inclusion for New Educational Resources ”, project developed in partnership with Commune di Marsciano, Italy, Erasmus KA1 – School and family together for a quality education – training course, ERASMUS + projects on the eTWINING platform -“ Dialogue for education ”, Christmas cards from all over Europe, Exercise and healthy nutrition, Winter holidays in my country, We get a better world by protecting the environment, Taste of Christmas, The hero of my childhood, Crazy about books, Traditional heritage, To compare daily school routines and cultural tradition, I learn with fairy tales”, WINNERS with schools from Poland, France, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Finland, the Republic of Moldova, Belgium, Luxembourg, Portugal.

Also under the auspices of ERASMUS, our school actively participates in all editions of the EUROPEAN WEEK OF SCHOOL SPORT and the INTERNATIONAL DAY OF SPORT.

Also, the “Manolache Costache Epureanu” Secondary School is the coordinator of the “Art’s Harmony” Intercounty Contest in the school year 2014-2015, 2016-2017, 2017-2018 and of the National Symposium DIALOGUE FOR EDUCATION with two editions, 2017-2018 edition being dedicated to the Centenary of the Great Union and the 45th anniversary of the school’s establishment.

Starting with the 2018-2019 school year, an inter-county Symposium on sports topics – SPORTS CONVERGENCES has been initiated which has as main purpose the awareness of the importance of sport as an active part of lifelong learning and which aims to progress to the international level.

In its 47 years of existence, the school has won numerous awards at international, national, regional, inter-county and local levels in the following fields: PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT (National stage – Gold and silver medal – Gymnastics-ground and 4th place in teams – 2002, National stage – Gold medal – Table tennis – 2007, National stage – bronze medal – football, National stage – Gold medal – Srugby – 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 – silver medal), MUSIC AND DANCE (National Competitions – First Prize – To be dynamic – Brăila 2015, 2016, 2017, International – Friendship – Vaslui – 2015, 2016, 2017, Dance magic – Award of excellence – Galați – 2016), MATHEMATICS (National stage – Silver medal – 2011), ROMANIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (National stage – Mention – 2012), MODERN LANGUAGES, PRIMARY EDUCATION (Comper, Mate +, Junior Mathematical Gazette, Our language-a treasure, Romanian language – my homeland, Hyperion, Memory childhood, Planet Earth – everyone’s home, Euroj unior, In the footsteps of Ștefan Vodă, Education for a clean environment, Logic and insight, In the realm of logic, Creangă – the most beautiful trinket).

All these results led to obtaining the European School certificate in 2015, and in 2018 our school obtained the 3rd PLACE in the country for this competition.

„Manolache Costache Epureanu” Secondary School Bârlad always went out of style through the special results of the gymnasts – students of the school (ANDREEA RĂDUCAN, TRICĂ DANIELA, PUFLEA AMALIA) – of the stickball teams, football, sports and modern dance bands, choir, Chemistry, Mathematics, Romanian language and more recently through table tennis and rugby performers.
The school’s presence in numerous partnerships and extracurricular, local, county, inter-county, national and international educational projects is noticeable.

In recent years, sustained efforts have been made to build a real and complex educational partnership, which has proven its effectiveness in positive results, which has led to the acquisition of an extra image.

“Manolache Costache Epureanu” Gymnasium School from Bârlad, a name acquired since the 1st of September 2012, has created beautiful traditions over the past 45 years and has imposed itself in the landscape of Bârlad spirituality through the personality of the teachers who served it and the results students who graduated.