„Dimitrie Cantemir” Secondary School Vaslui is an inclusive school and educates children aged between 3 and 6 in the Kindergarten with extended program no. 6 Vaslui (school structure) and children aged 6 to 14 in the school.
Within the school there are enrolled: 89 preschoolers, 164 students enrolled in primary school and 159 students enrolled in middle school.

These include children from vulnerable groups:
1. Socio-economically disadvantaged children and students – 35 (7 students with social scholarship);
2. Children and students with SEN – 23;
3. Children and students with parents abroad – 65;
4. Remigrated children and students – 4.

Although they come from vulnerable groups, these students are constantly supported by the school and family and manage to pass an exam of National Evaluation and attend a high school to complete their education.

Measures to promote educational and social inclusion

• Implementation of the Erasmus + AK1 project entitled “Teacher training for the integration of students with special educational needs in mainstream school”, through the participation of 12 teachers in the course “All children are special”, course provided by IDevelop Spain, between: September 1, 2016 – 31 August 2017

• Involvement of students in SNAC projects:
• 2019-2020 – “Colorful stories”
• 2018-2019 – “Joys of the heart for children”
• 2016-2017 – “Give a smile”
• 2015-2016 – “A simple act of kindness”

◦ Involvement in a multitude of other inclusion projects carried out at school level:
• 2019-2020 – “Library, the realm of stories”
• 2018-2019 – “Reading through the eyes of the library”
• 2017-2018 – “The Secret of Books”